Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Beautiful Library

While browsing photos on Flickr tonight, I found a really striking picture of a library- The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library. I just thought that picture was so drool-worthy, and then I read about the library itself. Information about the library and its collections is available on the official site.

There's lots of information about it but to encapsulate it, it's just what it sounds like it is- a really beautifully built library full of amazing texts. It's located at Yale so that explains why it's so visually stunning (rich people built it!). A really neat aspect of this library is that its holdings (along with all the other Yale libraries) are searchable; click this link to browse!

1 comment:

  1. I love to see a beautiful library, Leslie.
    There's something so cool & fascinating to me about rare books and manuscripts, too!
