Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reading for pre-teens and young adults

I love to read. I have tried to instill this passion in my three children (I hope I have been successful, but I am still working with child #3). Needless to say it is hard for me to imagine children and young adults who do not share my enjoyment of reading. I recently re-entered the work force as a Elementary School Librarian, and I am shocked by the number of children I come across who do not like to read, or have any desire to read. It is a battle to get many of these children to check out books at all, let alone chapter books. I would like to believe that a lot of these "non-readers" would fall in love with books, if provided with a great story that meets their interest. That is why I believe the variety of young adult literature being offered today is great, so many different genres and interests, so many relevant topics for our children. I know some argue that the content is questionable and the material is not stimulating, but I often think that is not the point. I believe the point is to peak the interest of young adults, to get them reading. If they start reading with regularity, then the content and the "meatier" books will follow. Once a love for literature begins, it can take on a life of it's own, growing and expanding a young adults mind and interests. I say "happy reading"...how exciting to see where it will take them.

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